New Must-Have MLB & SEC Catcher's Gear: ThighPro Baseball Protective Shorts

New Must-Have Catcher’s Gear Seen in the MLB & SEC

baseball catcher gear

This is the new must-have catcher’s gear and these baseball protective shorts are doing just that – protecting players from losing time on the field from injury. ThighPro is a revolutionary protective garment designed specifically for baseball and softball catchers and umpires created by Tim O’Day. We’re excited to have such an amazing response to the product from MLB & SEC coaches and players. Read on to see how it works, who’s wearing it and find out about the founder.

ThighPro uses groundbreaking technology that consistently dissipates high impact energy while maintaining ultimate comfort and performance. ThighPro is lightweight, flexible, breathable and absorbs up to 90% of impact force by forming a comfortable protective shell repeatedly, impact after impact.

Early ThighPro Adopter #45 Alan Espinal

Vanderbilt Commodore #45 Alan Espinal

The first FIRST EVER catcher to wear ThighPro was Vanderbilt Commodore #45 Alan Espinal. Alan tried them on and quote “Never wanted to take them off.” ThighPro protective shorts in no way impede his hitting, running, or agility at the dish.

It’s definitely worth noting what head coach Tim Corbin has to say about Espinal: “Total team player. Wired to play the game for other people. There isn’t a harder worker or more positive individual than this kid. He has continued to change his body over the last year. His work ethic has accelerated his progress as a player and puts him in position to really help our team. His defensive abilities behind the plate are advanced and will make our pitching staff better. Espy impacts the baseball and has shown greater bat control throughout the fall. Championship kid.”

Bobby Wilson MLB Coach For The Rangers

Bobby Wilson of the Texas Rangers

ThighPro quickly garnered the attention of Major League Baseball’s Bobby Wilson – coach and catching coordinator for the Texas Rangers as well as retired a MLB player – thanks to Instagram. ThighPro soon found their way to the majors on Rangers catcher Mitch Garver.

In ThighPro’s national television debut, Garver earned himself Player of the Game with 2 HRs and 6 RBI, proving that ThighPro does not hinder performance.

We were lucky enough to meet Bobby Wilson in Cincinnati for the Rangers/Reds game and hand over a few more samples. Bobby is the nicest guy and the authority in catching, although he shys away from any praise only admitting “I’m good at my job.” Yes, Bobby, you’re really good at your job.

ThighPro Founder & Creator Tim O’Day

Tim O'Day creator of ThighPro The New Must-Have Catcher's Gear

Tim O’Day is the founder and creator of ThighPro and all around nice guy. He’s an Army Veteran who proudly manufactures ThighPro in the USA at a woman-owned factory in Los Angeles, CA. Tim created ThighPro as a catcher and umpire for catchers and umpires. After years standing behind the plate getting hit with stray pitches and foul balls, leaving painful and ugly bruises with no protective gear, the idea for ThighPro was born. As his love for umpiring grew, so did the desire to protect himself. Tim constantly upgraded his protective equipment, and he was always trying something new – and there were some products available, but they were bulky, uncomfortable, or not really meant for baseball. Umpires and catchers alike need to protect themselves from bad pitches. You can order this new must-have catcher’s gear at

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